Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Yearly 2016 Pig Horoscope

The 2016 Pig horoscope predicts that the coming year will be filled with new experiences, new acquaintances and new places to visit. In the Year of the Monkey, the boar zodiac sign will be drawn to doing things that will bring out the creative side of their personality.

This year might not be very fruitful in terms of money and finance. But being rich doesn’t only mean being wealthy. You will have many opportunities to gain knowledge and develop new skills.

The year 2016 will bring growth and clarity for the Chinese astrology sign Pig. You can be shy but short-tempered. This stems from others perceiving your quiet nature and kindness for being a door mat. This is a big mistake on their part. Because once you have been pushed to the point of annoyance, you can fly right into anger at the drop of a hat.

According to Chinese zodiac, pigs can be impulsive, but they are always honest. They are affectionate to those closest to them. They are known for being very kind.

Your honesty serves you well in the coming year, especially in the area of love. Your impulsive nature does not. There seems to be no limit to what you are capable of in your career. A change to a healthy diet is a must for you.

The 2016 Feng Shui yearly predictions for people born in the year of the Pig suggest that there might be a few difficulties when it comes to your business and job. But your focus and happy attitude will make things easy. You will see many opportunities coming your way, so make the most of them. 

Yearly 2016 Dog Horoscope

The 2016 Dog horoscope predicts that the Year of the Monkey will be a happy one for people born under this zodiac sign. This is a year which is good for the personal aspect of your life.

Be it love, romance, relationships with friends and family, you will be loved and adored. But the same can’t be said about your profession and business. So it is best to take a back seat and plan for the future when it comes to your career. The Feng Shui yearly forecasts 2016 for the Dog also warn you that you need to make decisions after proper analysis instead of being impulsive.

The year 2016 will be a good one for the Chinese zodiac Dog. You are honest to a fault and a loyal leader. You have a kind heart and are very generous. On occasion, you are known to be stubborn. Success is always within your grasp. Your stubbornness can contribute to poor health.

The Chinese horoscope 2016 forecasts that your career follows a path of prosperity and progress. Your generosity is recognized. Your love life has been more like a roller coaster and it takes a wild turn.

In the coming year, you will find out who your real friends are. A few family members approach you with a business proposition. Take the time to weigh the pros and cons of joining them in this venture.

Yearly 2016 Rooster Horoscope
The 2016 Rooster horoscope predicts that you need to go forward this year with proper planning and organization. Being impulsive will not work in your favor.
The Roosters are a pioneering spirit devoted to work and on a quest of knowledge. If you run into a problem, you are not one to give up. You continue to move forward in your search for answers where most will walk away.
The Chinese predictions 2016 for the rooster foretell that you might run into some snags in your relationships this year. Your efforts at work are not futile. Rewards are on the way. Now is a good time to seek out wise investments or try your hand at the stock market. Some will question your motives.
Pay attention to your health. Your body is trying to tell you something. Family relationships need long, overdue attention. Love and romance are not one sided. Both partners must give equally.
The Chinese horoscope 2016 for the rooster foretells that you need to take life easy. Do not be in a haste to achieve your goals. This will not happen and you will just end up feeling desolate and unrewarded.

A better way to deal with the Year of the Monkey is to continue doing what you are doing. Sooner or later, you will be blessed with 
A better way to deal with the Year of the Monkey is to continue doing what you are doing. Sooner or later, you will be blessed with good luck, prosperity and happiness.
The 2016 Feng Shui yearly forecasts for the Rooster show that you need to change your attitude if you wish to get past the difficulties that you might face this year.

Yearly 2016 Monkey Horoscope

The 2016 Monkey horoscope predicts that the Year of the Monkey will bring you positivity and success. You have worked hard in the previous years, now is the time to reap the rewards of your hard work. As this Chinese zodiac sign is compatible with the goat, you can do a lot this year.

You are an intelligent person and able to easily influence others. Use your influence for good and stretch your wings in new directions. Your thirst for knowledge is insatiable. Satisfy this hunger with continuing education in a field of interest.

The Chinese horoscope 2016 foretells that monkeys are incredibly inventive. Use your resources to further your career. You have more clout than you know.

When it comes to your love life, leave the power of persuasion out of it. A genuine approach is best otherwise you’ll come across as shallow. It’s important to keep any standing doctor appointments.

Friends come to you for some serious advice. Be patient and listen. It’s time to start thinking about some down time and planning a much needed vacation.

The 2016 Fengshui yearly predictions for the Monkey forecast a year of happiness, joy, excellent finances and loving relationships.

The Monkey 2016 horoscope predicts a year of high activity and a lot of energy and enthusiasm. The Monkeys are known to be energetic people. But in the year of the Sheep, their energy will see new highs. Too much of anything can have an adverse reaction on your life. So it is better to be careful from the beginning.

Yearly 2016 Sheep Horoscope

The 2016 Sheep horoscope predicts that this will be an excellently happy and ambitious year for people born under the sign of the goat. As this is the Year of the Monkey, you will be successful in whatever endeavor you take up. Sheep, this is your year so make the most of the opportunities that come knocking on your door.

The sheep can be timid, as the name implies, but rest assured, anything you get involved in, you are passionate about. The year 2016 opens new, creative avenues for you. Your career takes an unexpected but welcomed turn. Be thrifty, as your bank account will see highs and lows in the coming year.

Your health will improve with a scheduled maintenance plan. In the area of love, you’ve seen brighter days, but don’t give up, not all is lost. A test of friendships will come into play for this Chinese astrology sign. The unnerving dysfunction in your family seems to lessen in the late spring.

The 2016 Feng Shui yearly predictions for the sheep foretell that this is your year. So make the most of it. Do not let your stupid actions or ego come in the way of success.

With the right attitude and temperament, there is no stopping the Ram. But the Goats have to careful not to let their success get to their head. If this happens, then whatever you have worked for till now will be screwed up.

Yearly 2016 Horse Horoscope

The 2016 Horse horoscope predicts a year of major transformations and changes. The Year of the Green Wood Horse for the Chinese horse zodiac sign might prove to be challenging. But thanks to your undying optimism and true fighting spirit, you will fight against all odds and come out a winner.

As the Goat and the horse are compatible Chinese astrology signs, you will be blessed with harmony and balance in the coming year. The year 2016 is one of abundance for the Horse. Always the optimistic person, others are drawn to your happy-go-lucky attitude.

The 2016 Chinese zodiac forecasts suggest that your ability to manage your money serves you well in the coming year. Consult a professional before parting with your hard-earned money. Your career takes off in a new direction. Keep your focus to maintain your position.

A new love interest shows up from an unexpected source. The Horses need to be patient with their heart. Friends come and go, but your family is there when you need them. You maintain your healthy life style, but not without some new work out additions. Include your friends in some fun activities.

The 2016 Feng Shui yearly forecasts for the Horse zodiac sign foretell of a pleasant year in terms of career and money. Just be a little careful when it comes to love and relationships.

Be it friends or love, you will face some obstacle on this aspect of your life. Luck is in your favor, but that does not mean that you will be successful. So make it work for you! 

Yearly 2016 Snake Horoscope

The 2016 snake horoscope forecasts an eventful year with its share of obstacles and problems. But with your never-give-up attitude, you will not find it hard to reach your goals. Chinese zodiac predictions 2016 for the Snake, point to a highly stressful year for them with many serious challenges.

The snakes can achieve their goals only with the help of their social circle. Hence it is necessary that you be socially active, meeting friends and powerful people. Being a loner will make the problems worse. Meeting people and networking with colleagues and business associates will open new avenues that might otherwise have not been possible. The Chinese horoscope 2016 for the Year of the Monkey for the snake forecasts that though you are intelligent, you try to shy away from problems because of your volatile temperament. It is advisable that you use your wisdom and experience to resolve the problems with the help of experts and friends

Naturally Snakes and Goats are not compatible and in the Goat Year, you have to put in more effort to succeed and wait patiently for success. Another factor you have to keep in mind is to control your fiery temperament during the year 2016.

But this might not be such a bad idea after all. This year gives you time to finish all pending tasks and plan thoroughly for the future instead of beginning new projects on impulse. Friends and friendship will be in focus than love and romance for the Chinese zodiac snake in 2016. This will be a major factor in attaining your objectives.

The snake predictions 2016 foretell that health should be taken care of during the year 2016 and beware of physical injuries. You are in a year of adversities and this is a time to be safe than to be adventurous in all aspects of life.

The Feng Shui yearly forecasts 2016 for the snake predict that though this might seem like a tough year, all is not lost. Good luck, fortune, wealth and money will bless you provided you don’t give up and move ahead with determination.

Yearly 2016 Dragon Horoscope

The 2016 dragon horoscope for the Year of Goat predicts that you will have a highly powerful and emotional year. This is reflected in whatever you do and whatever you think.

So it is important that you should be the master of your emotions and sentiments. Do not be a slave to them if you want to accomplish your objectives in life. You have the courage and strength to overcome all obstacles in life. Just put your mind to it.

In matters of career and business, the Dragons should not go by impulse and try to achieve what is possible. You should not embark upon unreasonable targets. You may have to face many challenges, and you can overcome these by courage and calmness.

The Chinese horoscope 2016 for the Year of the Monkey forecasts that the dragon’s social life will be hectic. Though it is necessary to attain your career targets, you should not forget about family relations. You should be sensitive to the feelings of family members.

Your health requires more care and emotional health becomes more important during the year 2016. Taking a vacation with your loved ones can give you the relief that you have been looking for.

The Feng Shui yearly forecasts for the dragon foretell of excellent fame or fortune or a disastrous year. It all depends on how much effort and hard work you are ready to put in. This is not a year to begin new ventures. Instead concentrate on finishing what you have already started.

Yearly 2016 Rabbit Horoscope

The 2016 rabbit horoscope promises that 2016 will be a highly profitable year for Rabbits. Your capabilities and originality will be evident in whatever you do during the year. All your efforts will be recognized and rewarded in the Year of the Green Wooden Sheep. Your diligence should be tempered by courage, if you want to reap the rewards.

This is a lucky year for the Chinese astrology sign rabbit. You will have the support of your social connections and powerful friends in whatever you undertake. You should be practical in your approach and should not take up risky ventures. All important decisions can be taken during the next year. It is also a good idea to invest your surplus funds in real estate.

Though your earnings will cover your expenses, you should be frugal and save money for tomorrow. Both in career and finances, you will do better than the previous years. The sheep and rabbit zodiac signs are most compatible. Thus, this is reflected in all aspects of the rabbit’s life in the year of the sheep.

In matters of love, the rabbits will be able to attract new partners by their grace and sociable nature, and marriage is a possibility for eligible persons during 2016.

The Feng Shui yearly forecasts 2016 for the Rabbit predict a fortunate and favorable year, provided you don’t act on impulse. Take all decisions after giving it enough thought. 

Yearly 2016 Tiger Horoscope
The 2016 Tiger horoscope predicts that you will not face any adversities or challenges during the Year of Wood Goat 2016. That does not imply that you need not exert yourselves and success will come to you automatically. On the contrary, the amount of success depends directly on the effort you put into the project.

The tigers in Chinese astrology have a fighting spirit. Many admire this about you. You can be a bit aggressive and you’re very courageous. Even though you live up to your Chinese zodiac sign, the Tiger, you are a sensitive soul and tend to be a deep thinker. You are also very loyal to those you care about, making you a wonderful friend to have.

The Chinese horoscope 2016 suggests that you should have a clear picture of what you want to achieve during the year 2016. Destiny is on your side and you will be endowed with the required positive energy and attitude to complete your targets successfully.

The basic traits of calmness of the goat and the adventurous nature of the Tiger somehow complement one another and the result will be spectacular to cherish during this period.

The yearly Feng Shui predictions for the Tiger forecast prosperity, wealth and success. There might be a few conflicts in your job and business. But with your diplomatic nature, you will be able to overcome all problems in 2016.

Many important things are going to happen on the personal front. If you are looking for a new residence and want to renovate it with personal luxuries, year 2016 presents you an opportunity. You should spend some time and money on yourself and your family after all the hard work you have done previously.

Yearly 2016 Ox Horoscope

The 2016 Ox horoscope predicts that this might be a difficult and challenging year for the Oxen. They are opposite in nature to the goat. And this being the Year of the Monkey, it might be a bit complicated for them. The Feng Shui yearly forecast for the Ox too foretells of a year that needs to be trodden carefully.

But in Chinese astrology, the ox people are known for being bright and inspiring. You are easy-going and a joy to be around. You make an outstanding parent and others seek your advice in this area of life.

The year, 2016, will be an interesting one for the Chinese zodiac Ox. Your search for love becomes more of an adventure. In the mid-spring, a loved one surprises you. You make leaps and bounds in your chosen career.

The Chinese horoscope 2016 foretells that others look to you for inspiration and hope. Your general well-being is solid and secure but there may be minor issues in the coming year.

But people born in the year of the ox should remember that with a positive attitude they can overcome the worst hurdles. So what if you just need to work a little bit harder. The Oxen people are known for their stamina and determination. So it will not at all be tough for you.

Yearly 2016 Rat Horoscope

The 2016 Rat horoscope predicts that overall this will be a good year. Do not expect immediate success. But with hard work and patience, you will ultimately come out a winner. You are very independent and are not used to waiting on  what you want.

In this Year of the Monkey, the patience of the Rats will be tested. You are highly skilled at your craft. You are ambitious and honest, but prone to speak freely.

The Chinese horoscope 2016 for the Rat zodiac sign warns that sometimes, you are quick to anger. This year will challenge your patience if you don’t work on improving it. Your career has a few twists and turns, but nothing you can’t handle. If you can weather the storms of your career, your bank account will be rewarded.

Love can be challenging, foretells the Rat 2016 predictions. Your health, particularly your mental health, will be subject to turmoil if you don’t exercise deep breathing and learn to take a pause from your problems. Friends and family offer you help in times of crisis.

The Rats should remember that life is always full of problems. But how you overcome them is what makes you stand apart. The biggest secret to being successful in both your personal and professional life is maintaining a line between the both.

The Feng Shui yearly predictions for the Rat foretell a difficult year. So be careful. 

Chinese New Year 2016

When Chinese New Year 2016?

The  Chinese New Year  falls on a different date each year. It is an important annual festival, celebrated by Chinese around the world. The  Chinese New Year 2016 will be celebrated on 9 February  and is the  year of the Monkey,  the most auspicious beast after the Chinese Zodiac. SerĂ© celebrated according to the Chinese tradition with cultural activities, dances, parties, Chinese opera, arts and crafts, karaoke contest, culinary delights, lion dances, chess competitions, children's events, calligraphy, dragon parades, etc. .

The festival  Chinese New Year 2016  is open to all, regardless of age. Most countries declared an official holiday in the  Chinese New Year.  It is celebrated around the world, including countries like Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam. The  Chinese New Year  is complemented with Chinese New Year songs that have meaning good luck and blessings.